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How to set up social connection with Microsoft Azure Active Directory


Adding social connection with Microsoft Azure to your app with Clerk only requires populating the Client ID, Client Secret and Authorized redirect URI in your instance settings.

To make the development flow as smooth as possible, Clerk uses preconfigured shared OAuth credentials and redirect URIs for development instances - no other configuration is needed.

For production instances, you will need to generate your own Client ID and Client Secret using your Microsoft Azure account.

Before you start

  • You need to create a Clerk Application in your Clerk Dashboard. For more information, check out our Set up your application guide.
  • You need to have a Microsoft Azure account, you can sign up for one here.


  • Currently Clerk supports only the common tenant type, which is intended for allowing sign-ins both from organization members and public Microsoft users.
  • Only credentials of type secret are currently supported (not the certificate type).

Selecting the desired tenant type (common, organizations, consumers or specific tenant ID) will become available in an upcoming version of Clerk.

Configuring Microsoft Social connection

After creating a Microsoft Azure account, you will need to create a new App Registration.

To do so, navigate to the list of applications and click on New Registration.

In the new application form, you will need to fill in the following fields:

See the following section on which supported account types you should configure according to your app's requirements.

Supported account types and impact on email verification status

Microsoft supports the use of several account types in an App registration, or combinations thereof.

As per the screenshot, the following combinations are possible:

  1. Accounts in a single organizational directory (Single tenant)
  2. Accounts in multiple organizational directories (Multi-tenant)
  3. Multi-tenant + personal accounts
  4. Personal accounts only

As mentioned in the limitations section, only multi-tenant configurations are supported at the moment, which rules out option 1.

Clerk will only consider email addresses from MS consumer (personal) accounts as verified.

Consumer accounts are identified as belonging to the MSA tenant with id 9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad.

For non-consumer accounts, for instance Active Directory accounts, Clerk will not consider email addresses obtained during the OAuth connection phase as verified, since the AD admin can manually configure email addresses on an AD user, without the need to verify, at least at the time of writing.

Depending on whether your app needs to support only AD accounts, only personal accounts, or both, you will need to make the appropriate choice in the Azure configuration settings and bear in mind that email address corresponding to non-personal accounts will need to be verified.

Note: if you are using Clerk Hosted Pages, users will automatically be prompted to verify their email if they sign in via a non-personal MS account. If your app is based on a custom implementation, you will need implement the verification step yourself, by using one of the available verification methods.

Application Credentials

After creating a new app, you will be presented with the app information page.

The Application (client) ID visible on this page should be pasted into the Client ID form field on the Clerk end.

To generate a value you should click on the Client credentials link:

Link to set up Client credentials

Microsoft Azure supports 2 kinds of credentials:

  1. Client secrets (as the majority of oauth providers)
  2. Certificates

At the time of writing Clerk supports only Client secrets.

To create a new client secret click on the New client secret button as illustrated below:

Certificates & secrets screen

You will be prompted to provide a name & lifetime for the new secret.

After confirming your choice the new secret will be listed and this is the only time you will able to copy & paste it, thus make sure you do so before navigating away.

Also take note of the lifetime of said secret because you will need to generate a new one before it expires.

The newly generated secret can now be pasted in the Client Secret input on the Clerk end.

Finally, you'll need to instruct your Microsoft Azure app to operate in OpenID mode, so that it provides clerk with an id_token when the sign-in completes. This allows Clerk to populate data about the user from their Microsoft profile.

This can be done by navigating to the Authentication section and checking the option displayed below:

That's it! You are now ready to allow your users to sign in using Microsoft Azure!

Stay tuned for updates as Clerk integrates support for more Microsoft social connection options.

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